Monday, 18 April 2016

Reality Therapy benefits and oppression with complex nature

Don't be afraid to explore and experiment. If both of you enjoy the outdoors, why don't you go to places that you haven't been to? You do not have to shell out so much money. You can go to nearby places and check what activities they have. 

If you're sports enthusiasts, take up a new sport and learn it together. You could even try to compete with each other to make it more thrilling. If both of you are food lovers, then look for new and exciting restaurants. If you don't like exotic food, try it just for the thrill of it. In marriage counseling, there are one hundred and one activities they could suggest to make your relationship exciting. 

This situation creates a problem and offers a solution, even thought the solution comes slow with some resistance. This illustrates the benefits of many theories helping Americans of European descent, while demonstrating the impracticality of using a Euro-American based approach as the only template to serve the complex nature of a multi-cultural nation. 

While modern psychology forefathers deserved a great deal of gratitude for developing human services like counseling and therapy, the cessation of continued development has been shown to be humanely insensitive. Asking a client to work on self-actualization in a situation where the client is oppressed by a societal situation may be misguided and threaten the client therapist's relationship. While this expressed belief is a good example of expansion of the Freudian theory and demonstrates a more multicultural application, the style is considered autonomous and can be viewed as short-sited secondary to oppression. A young Latino seeking occupational help may get confusing messages about self-autonomy when his culture centers on family and group importance while becoming frustrated or angry when professional oppression is not acknowledged or seen as a primary issue. 

Reality Therapy (RT) is another form of therapy that can illustrate benefits and oppression. Reality Therapy focuses highly on how the client views them and how they relate to others. This style does emphasize relationships and does extend outside the self, which is very important in many cultures These drives may apply to some cultures; they are not a part of every culture and even frowned on by other cultures that put the group ahead of the individual. 

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